
Aliza’s Health

824 Donors

  • Naomi Rose

    1 month ago

  • Leah And Moshe Sodden

    2 months ago

  • Hodaya Denan

    2 months ago

  • Robert Bressler

    2 months ago

  • Shmaya And Symi Eichenstein

    3 months ago

  • Mayim Plumbing

    3 months ago

  • Mendy Shor

    3 months ago


    רפואה שלימה בקרוב ממש

  • Eduard Korsinsky

    3 months ago


עליזה חנה חי׳ בת שיינדל שרה

22 year old Aliza Shor, a Bais Yakov girl was a pre dental student and an incredible artist, with a promising future.

Now, she lay helpless and confused in the hospital. She was diagnosed with leukemia and received a life saving bone marrow transplant.

Following the transplant, Aliza contracted the HHV6 virus, which spread to her brain causing encephalitis. Due to her traumatic brain injury, she has lost her short term memory and exists in a state of fear and confusion. She is physically extremely ill. She is confined to a bed and cannot do anything for herself.

Her only hope at this point, is to get to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. Due to her medically fragile state, to get her there will require a team of doctors and nurses. The cost is more than her family can bear.

We are appealing to you for $70k to save her life. Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity.

All donations on ABCHARITY.ORG are tax deductible
The tax id for this campaign is 92-3617094

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