
העלפט מיר. עס איז בא מים עד נפש.

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76 Donors

  • שמשון ברוך ברוין

    9 months ago


    לענ״ בנימין זאב בן שמשון ברוך.

  • Israel Kozlik

    11 months ago

    סעודות יו'ט

    Oif simches!

  • Y. Deutch

    11 months ago

    קליידעלע אויף יו״ט
  • Clara Brown

    11 months ago

  • Anonymous

    11 months ago

  • Anonymous

    11 months ago

    סעודות יו'ט
  • Joel Wieder

    11 months ago

    קליידעלע אויף יו״ט
  • Yk

    11 months ago


Hello and welcome our dear friends

After your peace request, I will ask you to read and treat my request seriously.

It's no secret that for several years now my family and I have been going through many upheavals and trials that we accept with love.

About ten years ago we had a girl with a complicated medical background and was hospitalized for about five years, during these years the girl was operated on 11 times and by God's mercy and grace she was out of danger. in order to help her grow.

As a result of the situation, the business I owned and made a living from collapsed and caused me to go into huge debts, but I did not despair and went out to fight for my life and that of my family and since then I have been in a race for a living.

In the last year I had to move twice so that I could help my relatives.

*Now that the next month of the holidays is upon us, I will ask you to open your heart and your pocket and support me and my family so that my home will also be happy and my wife and children can enjoy new clothes and shoes and the rest of the needs of the holidays.*

Thanks to this important mitzvah, you will be blessed by heaven in all matters and you will always have abundance, joy and contentment from your entire family

With the blessing of good writing and signature

Yanki Bernstein from Eretz Israel.

All donations on ABCHARITY.ORG are tax deductible
The tax id for this campaign is 061508865


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