
5 Children At Risk Of Not Being Allowed Back To Yeshiva

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46 Donors

  • Shaina Hecht

    10 months ago


    For me to feel important and worthy

  • Anonymous

    10 months ago


    Moshiach is coming!

  • Anonymous

    10 months ago

  • Anonymous

    10 months ago

  • Anonymous

    10 months ago

  • Shlomo Mayer

    10 months ago

  • Anonymous

    10 months ago

  • Binyomin Medetsky

    10 months ago

    School Supplies

I am writing to you today, as a single parent of 5 children, facing the threat of my children not being allowed back into their Yeshiva's if I don't catch up on my tuition payments.

I don't know how to face my children and tell them, they will be staying home from school and,, I therefore turn to you, precious Yidden to open your hearts and help ease mine and their pain.

As a single parent, raising my children all on my own, working hard to pay my bills, feed and clothe my children, I am simply unable to stay afloat anymore.

I have tried everything I can, not to have to reach out and ask for donations, but I am left with no choice.

With five children, and their needs BH growing, being behind on my rent and other bills and growing debt, the burden I carry is too much for me to carry on my own. Besides for my daily expenses and my outstanding tuition bills, I am preparing to make a bar mitzvah for my son, and we do not even have the basic funds to purchase him a pair of tefillin.

I ask you, please help my family recover, get back on our feet, and allow me to care for my children with just the BASICS, with diginity and respect.

Just as you show mercy and compassion for me, may the Almighty is Heaven show compassion to you and yours, showering you with tremendous bracha in all areas of your life.

All donations on ABCHARITY.ORG are tax deductible
The tax id for this campaign is 92-3617094


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