2 years ago
$50.002 years ago
$250.002 years ago
$180.002 years ago
$36.002 years ago
$50.002 years ago
$5.003 years ago
$18.00L"N Yitzchak Dovid ben Yaakov, Yaakov Yitzchak ben Aryeh
3 years ago
$100.00A recent edition of Likutey Moharan, Oteh Ohr by R' Eliyahu Attia has made it easier than ever to access Reb Nachman's teachings.
Our goal is to raise money to acquire and distribute this four volume set to as many US shuls, Yeshivahs, kollelim, etc. as possible.
We intend to start with 360 copies which, including various distribution fees will cost 50 dollars a set.
Reb Nosson's final tzavaah was to be strong in Hafatzah and now, on the occasion of his yahrzeit, Asarah B'Teiveis.], we invite you all to join our campaign. As the heiligeh Rebbe said, the spreading of his sefer likutey Moharan, is the aschalteh d'geulah. May we be zoche tp see it in our days. amen
All donations on ABCHARITY.ORG are tax deductibleThe tax id for this campaign is 92-3617094