5 months ago
$250.005 months ago
$100.005 months ago
$50.005 months ago
$360.005 months ago
$25.00Should be a zechus for Refuah shelaima for Chaya bas Matla
5 months ago
$180.005 months ago
$25.005 months ago
$18.00**Help A Bas Yisroel's Dream Come True: A Heartfelt Plea**
In a world where hope often feels out of reach, This girls story stands as a testament to resilience and love. From a young age, This girl faced challenges that would break many spirits. Her parents, burdened by mental health issues, parted ways, leaving her mother to shoulder the weight of raising a family alone. Despite battling her own medical battles, This girl's mother worked tirelessly, sacrificing her health for the sake of her children. Meanwhile, her father’s health struggles meant he could offer little financial support.
Now, as This girl prepares to embark on a journey of her own—marriage—the weight of financial uncertainty looms heavily. The joyous occasion of her Chasunah, a cherished dream for any young woman, has become a daunting prospect. With each passing day, the reality of affording even the most basic necessities for the chasunah becomes more distant.
Imagine the anxiety of a mother who has given everything she has, only to face the heartbreaking prospect of not being able to give her daughter the wedding she deserves. Imagine the tears shed in solitude, the nights spent worrying about how to make ends meet, let alone fulfill a daughter’s lifelong dream.
But amidst these shadows of uncertainty, there is hope. Your support—your generosity—can transform This Kallah's struggle into a celebration of love and resilience. Your donation, no matter how small, can alleviate the burden of financial worry and bring a glimmer of joy to a family who has known hardship all too well.
Together, we can ensure that This Kallah walks down the aisle with a smile as radiant as the sun, knowing that her community stands beside her in solidarity and support. Your contribution will not only fund a wedding—it will affirm the belief that kindness and compassion prevail, even in the face of adversity.
Please, open your heart and donate today. Let us rewrite This Kallah's story from one of struggle to one of triumph. Let us show her that her dreams are within reach, and that love can conquer all obstacles. Together, we can make her chasunah a day she will cherish forever.
Thank you for your kindness and generosity. May hashem repay you for your generosity.
With heartfelt gratitude,
All donations on ABCHARITY.ORG are tax deductibleThe tax id for this campaign is 92-3617094