5 months ago
$3.00הכל הולך אחר החיתום! !You reached your goal
5 months ago
$3.135 months ago
$7.20In honor of my long lost Kita!!
5 months ago
$18.005 months ago
$54.00לכבוד אח שלי!!!!!!! הכי חשוב מאד!
5 months ago
$37.005 months ago
$18.005 months ago
$10.00The Kollel was first founded on Rosh Chodesh Kislev תשפ"ג.
Upon realizing that their day of עבודת השם felt incomplete without a structured setting to learn in at night, a group of חשובע Yungerleit resolved to establish a Night Kollel. Since there was no one person ready to undertake the entire project on his own, they joined together with great determination to make it a success.
The Kollel is situated in ביהמ”ד קרלין סטולין in ירושלים עיה”ק, and is operated under the guidance of התאחדות האברכים ד'קרלין סטולין.
This past Rosh Chodesh Kislev marked the first year since the Kollel’s opening. The year was met with great סייעתא דשמיא, with the Yungerleit sitting and learning diligently.
The Kollel gives each yungerman the gift to continue his learning from throughout the day in the company of others, who all share the same goals as him. The incredible environment of התמדת התורה helps them bring their day to an uplifting close. Being part of the Kollel elevates each yungerman’s day-to-day עבודת השם to a whole new level.
In addition, the Kollel has had a major impact on the Shul as a whole, as the atmosphere motivates others to learn there as well. This produces a beautiful קול תורה which reverberates until the late hours of the night.
Originally being jumpstarted with one main source of support, the Kollel began with but a few Yungerleit. Throughout the year the Kollel swiftly grew. At this point, there are many yungerleit awaiting the opportunity to join the Kollel.
Only with adequate funding, can the Kollel בעזרת השם continue and expand, allowing many more to join.
We reach out to you today, חמשה עשר באב, a day on which חז"ל emphasize the great ענין of learning at night (.עי’ תענית לא). Your generous donation will enable our Kollel to flourish and grow.
Thank you, תזכו למצוות, and may you merit a כתיבה וחתימה טובה!
All donations on ABCHARITY.ORG are tax deductibleThe tax id for this campaign is 92-3617094