
ותעל שועתם

164 Donors

  • SL Kornfeld Moshe Klein

    6 months ago

  • Yitzchok Goldklang Samuel Landau

    6 months ago


    No one like R’ shmel

  • Verdini, Pure Foods, Chananya Spitz, Avrumi Rosenfeld Samuel Landau

    6 months ago


    A pleasure do do business with R' Shmiel. ויהי רצון שתצליח כבל מעשיך

  • EOM Staffing Moshe Klein

    6 months ago


    In honor for our loyal customer.

  • Moshe Lebowits Mayim Chaim

    6 months ago

  • Yisroel Rosenberg Moshe Klein

    6 months ago

  • Rachel Lebowitz Yoel Jaoslawitz

    6 months ago

  • Yitzy Weisz Moshe Klein

    6 months ago


All donations on ABCHARITY.ORG are tax deductible
The tax id for this campaign is 853012497

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