
בור מי גשמים, לזכות זרע של קימא

58 Donors

  • Anonymous

    1 month ago


    Repeated donation

  • Anonymous Shragy Gold

    1 month ago

  • SGe Shragy Gold

    1 month ago

  • Shraga Gold Shragy Gold

    2 months ago

  • SG Shragy Gold

    3 months ago

  • Sholem Berkowitz

    4 months ago

  • Anonymous

    4 months ago

  • Shlome Zalmen Schwartz

    4 months ago


With love and compassion to our dear friend, we gathered together to donate and raise money to buy the holy zechus of the בור מי גשמים in the mikvah currently being finished in Casa Grande, Arizona. We are buying the זכות בור מי גשמים it should be l'zchus our dear friend to be blessed with זרע של קימא.

We took a modest goal of $25,000 and disbursed it to a fair amount of people to make it easy to donate/raise the money.

Thank you for your donation of time, money, and effort. Together we will crush our goal, and it will be a zechus to bring on a yeshua.

All donations on ABCHARITY.ORG are tax deductible
The tax id for this campaign is 92-3617094

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