
הכנסת כלה

Team בן ציון פינק








23 Donors

The campaign is for a chosson that went through a very difficult life from infancy, his father ran away when he was an infant and left his wife with 7 children.

Two children are disabled and there is no money for basic needs , he had to tutor bochurim being hazmanim and bein hasdorim to cover his rent in his Dira.

The chosson went to learn in the Mir by R' Osher Arieli Shlita, and has learned by him for over 6 years finishing the machzor by and becoming a very close Talmid.

BH he's getting married this Kislev but due to his circumstances (otherwise the shidduch wouldn't have happened) he had to promise to pay for both sides of the chasuna and all simcha expenses (150k) including rent for the 1st year are on his frail shoulders.

BH yidden like you have received him generously and brought him close to his needs, but he's still short and getting married this week.

Pls open your heart and help him walk to his Chuppa without any worries.

May the the Zechus Of Building A Yiddish Home Be A Merit For You For All the Brachos, Gezunt, Nachas & Much Hatzlacha.

All donations on ABCHARITY.ORG are tax deductible
The tax id for this campaign is 921116692

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