3 months ago
$500.003 months ago
$500.003 months ago
$600.00IHO Haskin R’ Ahron Hillel Fried
3 months ago
$53.00In honor of the Fried family
3 months ago
$499.91לע"נ ר' חיים יששכר דוב פריד
Ateres Rochel is, in simple terms, a dormitory for girls who cannot live with their family. But in reality, it is much more. It is home. To the girls living at עטרת רחל it is home the exact same way that our daughter’s live in our home’s. Weekdays, שבת ויו"ט, they have everything they need at עטרת רחל.
Each girl who lives at עטרת רחל has a unique story, but all are heart-breaking. Some girls suffered terrible abuse from family members. Some are from divorced homes who are not able to live with either parent anymore. There are orphans from one parent whose family fell apart when the surviving parent could not continue raising a family alone.
The goal at עטרת רחל is to let them live normal lives and allow them to pursue their dreams of creating a stable home for themselves. In just a few years many of them will, בעז"ה, marry and be able to live normal lives.
Obviously, the expense to run such a home is tremendous. There is overhead, food costs and salaries for the מדריכות and cook. Girls can get professional therapy as needed. YOUR donation will ensure that the girls are given all the tools they need to thrive. YOUR donation impacts the future דורות that each girl can create.
All donations on ABCHARITY.ORG are tax deductibleThe tax id for this campaign is 843570192