1 year ago
$100.00Bsiris Toives
1 year ago
$15.001 year ago
$180.00In memory of Jacob Bierig
1 year ago
$20.00הצלחה רבה
Dear Klal Yisroel,
We are reaching out to you today to assist in this great mitzvah of הכנסת כלה, as the family faces exceptional financial hardships. The kallah's father struggles with mental challenges while her devoted mother bears the heavy financial burden and is struggling to make ends meet. The wedding is in 4 weeks and barely anything has been paid off yet. Your support will bring joy and hope to this remarkable family and create an unforgettable simcha!
Thank you for becoming part of this big mitzvah.
All donations on ABCHARITY.ORG are tax deductibleThe tax id for this campaign is 92-3617094